The rituals that keep me sane. All of them. It borders on OCD, or ADD, or anal retention, or something else, but it probably isn't any of those things because that would actually lend some legitimacy to my crazy and it would all become justified. Much like chronic back pain, or being left handed, legitimizing it is not allowed. Just suffer and be weird and shut up about it, thank you. That entire introductory paragraph was a tangent from the thing I haven't even started writing yet. So the real point is this, that I tend to have these rituals all the way down to where I eat lunch, what I order, and sometimes even what days of the week I do each. I've seen it much worse than me, but I still do it. I mix it up sometimes, just to prove that I can. Like maybe toast instead of pancakes, or if I'm really crazy it's the BLT and the waitress will ask if I'm feeling ok because I didn't order breakfast. To drink? Always Mr. Pibb in a to-...
welcome back my sweet boy